Talented and Gifted
At St. George’s, we believe that all students deserve continuous progress in their educations. This is especially true for students who have a demonstrated high ability in one or more academic subjects or creative endeavors. From enrichment to acceleration, it is our goal to challenge our talented and gifted students academically and creatively and afford them every challenge in the classroom they deserve, all the while developing the characteristics and skills needed to become productive citizens.
Acceleration opportunities are offered with a goal of continuous progress in academic and/or creative endeavors to students in Pre-K4 through 8th grade. Programming includes flexible, leveled groupings for reading/English and math classes, pull-out accelerated enrichment mini-courses, curriculum compacting and single-subject acceleration.
Enrichment is available for all students in Pre-K4 through 8th grade at St. George's through interest-based, cross-grade level enrichment clusters and small round table meetings with visiting community members.
Competition experiences are available through programs like the New Orleans Academic Games League, First Lego League robotics tournaments, Math Olympiad and corresponding local mathematics competitions and national foreign language assessments like Le Grand Concours and National Spanish Exam.